She died during a raid by Naxhosa's people. Three moved to the outskirts of the village, and one stayed. But they went their separate ways.' Where did they go? 'After a big argument, they disbanded. In times past, Stonewastes was protected by the Four Winds. They raid the village for supplies, but we don't have any defenses. We won't survive much longer without a strong hand to aid us.' What's troubling you? 'A total tzilnech of a warlord called Naxhosa moved his people into our ruins nearby. You can see that our village has crashed upon some rough rocks. A strange moment to wander into the Stonewastes, I have to say. If you start through Ajim-Ma, you're going to need to talk to Nuxul anyways.
Speak to Nuxul or Ajim-Ma to start the quest. Finding Elossi, the Sudden Gust Elossi and Meer-Ta